hey shit.
Thursday, December 07, 2006weirddreams
when i was all alone in my room
so i freaked out&texted somebody who didnt bother to reply
&so i fell asleep underneath my blanket
then i had this vvvv weird dream
there was this uncle w many baskets of oranges
then he said one of e oranges is alive
then we searched for it,
found it&i was in this weird shape&purpleblack in colour
so it grew&grew&it bounced around chasing me, attempting to bite me
like wtf?then i ran&ran&ran
&i saw this black cat killing a rat.eeew.
then there was this weird umbrella which flys,slices &kills people
then there was this v weird idk what room which was damn messy
ahhhhh!weird right?
&i had a horrible dream e night before ):
hubby's outside w sexy aunties
so i shall rot my day away today@ home
Wednesday, December 06, 2006jingle bells rock
'cos my room has that stinky stench of new furniture now D;<
&'cos of that thing, i cut my hand yest& it bleed& it's still hurting now
&also i went ballet w fever& headache yest
&&i still had dinner@ swensons
explained why people said idk how to take care of myself
oh&, i made hubby unhappy last night.pooos, sorry ):
planned to visit vivo today w almond
but mummy had this v last minute plan
so i had to cancel it ):
went christmas prezzies shopping
but had yet to get prezzies for friends,
only got those for fam.
&they dont sell e jacket i want@ e branch there!!
that place suck lahhh!!i hate to shop there! ):
&yayayyy! bought another heels
it's not v high though 'cos:
#1; people will definately complain when i wear heels out w 'em
#2; mummy dsfskjdhsa that i'm too tall for 'em ):
#3; i run in heels& people are afraid i'll fall, which never happened.yet.
finished honey last night,
it's not as nice compared to step up
&since no one's free during late afternoon,
i finished she's e man&little man
it's damn shoick to lie on e bed w air-con on& snacks by your side
hahaha ((:
i'm gonna get my hair cut on friday!!lalalala
but not too short 'cos nz workshop's next week!!
&performance's on e week after next!!! :DD
my timetable says i'm currently free on monday next week.only.
okay, i think i need to stop shopping&shopping
cleared e bin in my room that day&
i realised there were alotalot of price tags, receipts& shopping bag in it
i shall wait for santa clause to buy me stuffs.hehe!
santa's my granddaddy okay!!ltralala!
all i want for christmas is YOU (:
Monday, December 04, 2006too lost in you
Caught in you
Lost in everything about you
So deep, I can't sleep
I can't think
I just think about the things that you do
I'm too lost in you
lala, since i've been outside every single day last week,
i shall be a good girl& stay@ home today
to watch my korea drama (X
met hubby after class yest
talked 'bout sth, nono, that's not gonna happen
neveeerrr ):
oh& i'm not going class today
'cos ms kok wont be there
i wanna develop photos tml!!
tinywiny ones, so i can slot 'em into my heartlocket :DD
ouy evol syawla lliw ll'i
emit fo dne eht llit